The Cycle of Change


Change is an event, a happening generally from an external source, which may not be announced; transition is the internal process which follows during which individuals or organizations get used to, make sense of, and start to live with the change. 

Understanding the transition process can help you handle your own periods of change more effectively; it provides insight for when change is being introduced and what to expect. 

We can help you unpack and move forward with confidence in your step! 

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  • Shock: this initial phase arises when what we encounter is different to how we anticipated the change to be.

  • Denial: this can be a stick point and may prevent one from moving on. We need an awareness of the change at a very personal level.

  • Awareness: become emotionally engaged can result in frustration/confusion about how to handle the changes.

  • Acceptance: when we accept the reality of our new situation, we then need to let go of old attitudes and behaviors for us to step into the new.

  • Testing: knowing what we need to do is one thing, testing them is necessary. New ways of working may be effective and achieve what we want, but they may require practice.

  • Search for meaning: create an environment where you can learn from success and failure. This will help you take control over your actions and develop strategies.

  • Integration: finally you are taking personal ownership! Your confidence and competence increases and new ways of working are becoming part of your everyday life and forming a natural reaction!!

Having an awareness of the various stages of the transition process, which non of us are immune from, because we all engage differently due to the fact that we are all fashioned uniquely...  this process will help you actively seek ways to move forward deliberately with a new level of understanding as to why you are feeling the way you are! 


P.P.E. is Out of the Closet...


Mental Wellness Challenge