The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. John 1:11
Christmas is here, what / who are you celebrating this year? I want to encourage you to take time and think about it, many of us will have gifts under the Christmas tree, many will not… yet we all have the invitation to celebrate the eternal gifts that don’t collect dust or rust and have a value way beyond the $$ and cannot be taken away from us.
Let’s take a moment:
Jesus came to give us peace, not as the world gives, and let’s face it the world is far from at peace right now! (John 14:27)
He came to give us a hope that goes beyond any disappointment, life can throw at us… (Romans 5:5)
Jesus is God incarnate, He made himself flesh (John 1:14) and went through much of what we go through in life, sorrow, suffering, temptation, betrayal to mention a few, so He can truly relate to whatever it is you are going through right now!
He came to reconcile us back to the heart of our Heavenly Father that we may walk in our true inheritance as a son of Almighty God. What does this look like? For me, I am encouraged to walk with confidence knowing to whom I belong, and from that place, grow in knowing who I truly am.
What could /does this look like for you?
I have decided to publish this now, because at this time of year many think their joy will be complete when they get “X” but I for one, know the joy the world extends is simply fleeting. Jesus says he came to show us true love from the very heart of God and if we submit our hearts to Him and remain in His love our joy may be complete. Can you imagine for a moment, living in complete joy? I dare you to surrender this Christmas, to the love of God that He extends to each and every one of us, so when adversity comes you can laugh in the face of it and get to know the secret of what it is to live in contentment, no matter what you have… one thing is for sure, you will always have God as His promise is never to leave us nor forsake us.
Have a wonderfully blessed Christmas, may this note be a gift for you to contemplate in Jesus name!